8th ETS CONFERENCE in Germany

Save the Date September 2024

Quelle: ETS-Homepage
Bearbeitung: Dr. Klaus G. Müller-Beck, Ehrenmitglied Deutsche Rasengesellschaft e.V.



Die 8. ETS-Konferenz der European Turf Grass Society findet vom 23. bis 25. September 2024 in Frankfurt am Main statt. Das übergeordnete Tagungsthema lautet: „Looking beyond - changes and innovations in turfgrass management“.


8th ETS CONFERENCE in Germany

In seiner Grußbotschaft auf der neu gestalteten ETS-Website lädt der amtierende ETS-Präsident, Prof. Dr.Stefano Macolino, von der Universität Padua alle Rasenspezialisten in Europa zur Teilnahme ein.

“Dear Turf Friends,
with great enthusiasm, we are pleased to announce the 8th European Turf Grass Society Conference, “Looking beyond - changes and innovations in turfgrass management”, which will take place in Frankfurt City/Main from September 23rd to 25th of this year.
In a new hybrid format, combining scientific presentations, interactive panel discussions and field tours, this ETS event represents a unique opportunity to bring together experts and enthusiasts from academia, turfgrass industry and practitioners, allowing them to share experiences and scientific findings and discuss prospects.
There will also be a scientific poster section and a competition in different categories for presenting research results with awards for the best posters.

Detailed information including registration, program and sponsorship packages for companies are available on: www.turfgrasssociety.eu
Or contact direct the ETS office: etsoffice@turfgrasssociety.eu

We are looking forward to welcome you in Frankfurt for a stimulating and fruitful experience.

Kind regards
Stefano Macolino
ETS President, on behalf of the entire ETS board





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